Friday, May 4, 2012

Circle of Friends

I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I am surrounded by the most incredible group of godly women imaginable. Maybe “lucky” isn’t the correct word; “blessed” is more suiting. And I am blessed to be able to call them my friends.

They are all women whom I deeply respect and admire for numerous reasons. And they have helped shape me into the woman I am today, not that I’m such a great person. I’m just saying that I am a better person for knowing them, and I sincerely mean that. They are my role models.

My friends challenge me on so many levels, as a child of God, a wife, a mom and a friend. All are relentless in their pursuit of knowing God on a deeper level and raising their families to do the same. All are on missions to share God with people in their everyday lives.

I almost want to list each and every one of their names and admirable characteristics, but I think that the following can be said for them all:

They are generous and hospitable, thinking of others before themselves. They are extremely talented. They have almost endless supplies of energy, it seems. With multiple children and responsibilities, they never give up, always striving to walk in the truth.

They are fun. They are trustworthy. They are positive, supportive and encouraging. They love each of my children as if they were their own. (Okay, I’m tearing up on this one.) They have wisdom beyond their years.

Within this circle known as friendship, I feel safe. We talk; we connect; we bounce ideas off each other. We share stories, laughter and tears—about our families, our hopes and our dreams. We grow stronger than we were before.

God knew what he was doing when he gave us friendships. I pray that each of you have friends in your lives that make you better. Surround yourself with these kind of women and you will!


  1. Erica...what a wonderful young lady you have become....your friends are blessed to count you as a friend, as you are also blessed by them. I'm excited that God is using you in this wonderful way to reach others! Love you!! -Kay Jones

  2. Thank you, Kay. It is so good to hear from you. Your encouragement means a lot to me. Hope you are doing well. Love you, too! Erica

  3. So proud of you, Erica. Words can't express my feelings of gratitude to God for what He has done and is doing in your life. You and your family bring joy into my life. I pray that all of my girls will have friends that will help them to draw closer in their walk with God.
