
Hi, my name is Erica Osborne, and this is my blog, “Pursuits in Homemaking.” Thanks for visiting! I have so many things that I want it to be. In fact, I registered three different blog names before this one, because I just couldn’t make up my mind on exactly what my blog would entail. Oh well, maybe I’ll use the other names as blog post titles. More on that in a minute…

First let me tell you a little about myself and my family. I’m a Christian wife and mom, married almost a decade to my husband Gary. We have two children, five-year-old Ella and two-year-old Dutch. (Sadly, this is the best family picture of us, and it was taken over two years ago. So one of my priorities is getting a good picture of the four of us, but this will have to do for now. Below is a more recent one of the kids.)

 As for my employment, I currently work 30 hours per week as a graphic designer and copywriter for a marketing company. But although I work outside the home, I consider my role as homemaker my first priority and my principal occupation.

So why did I start blogging? There are many reasons. First, I wanted an online journal where I could just share my thoughts about family and hold myself accountable to my aspirations. Hopefully, you will find some of them interesting.

Second, I wanted a place where I could share ideas and inspirations. As you will see, I love to create. And I think most, if not all, women do. I’ve been amazed at the number of mom craft blogs on the web, which I have been really into reading as of late.

Like I said, I love to create—anything and everything, whether it be delicious food or an adorable birthday invitation. It is one of my passions, which includes cooking, crafting, sewing, repurposing, organizing, decorating, planning and doing just about anything that one would deem domestic.

I find that pursuing my passions within my role as homemaker keeps me motivated and helps me do a better job. I want to do more, however, than just create pretty things for my home. I want to create an environment for my family that is positive, uplifting and Christ-centered. And I hope to share ideas for doing so with you.

I would love for my blog to be a forum for all such things. Please feel free to comment, offer advice and share stories on any of my posts. You can even repost my content or pin my photo inspirations on Pinterest. I just ask that you link it back to my blog site. Thanks again for visiting! - Erica :)